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Tag: gastronomy

Exquisite tapas in Andalusia: Bar El Cura, Trebujena, Cádiz

Exquisite tapas in Andalusia: Bar El Cura, Trebujena, Cádiz

Tapas in Trebujena    Follow my blog with Bloglovin The white village of Trebujena, perched on the top of a hill overlooking the estuary and surrounded by marshes, is not on the tourist path. However, if, like me, you enjoy excellent tapas, then Trebujena is definitely worth adding to your go-to-list when eating out in the province of Cadiz. About 30 minutes from Jerez de la Frontera and 20 minutes’ drive from Sanlucar de Barrameda, Trebujena is a quiet, unassuming and…

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