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Tag: change

3 ways writing can help you move forward

3 ways writing can help you move forward

Have you ever considered that 10 minutes of writing for enjoyment could add a positive aspect to your day? Many of us write everyday for work purposes, on instant messaging apps or to fill in paperwork. But what if a regular daily writing practice of a different kind could not only help you to clarify ideas but also to feel good afterwards? Here are three ways writing can help you move forward 1 Writing helps you to let go of…

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Spicy chocolate, truffles and change

Spicy chocolate, truffles and change

Chocolate, the perfect business As I sip my spicy hot chocolate, the flavour hits the tip of my tongue. Cinnamon, cloves, chilli and star anise. It’s warm, exotic and luxurious.  Just like hot chocolate should be. I stir my chocolate and think of Nicola Eaton.  When anyone mentions living the ideal life and having the dream job to Nicola, she shrugs and smiles to herself. She considers she already has her ideal lifestyle. “I don’t need to go up Everest. I’m very…

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