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Tag: blogging

How a Problogger content sprint reignited my interest in blogging

How a Problogger content sprint reignited my interest in blogging

My blog had been off track for a while due to a lack of energy and a heavy workload. I knew that if I was to continue blogging, I needed to take action. So, when the email from Problogger popped into my in-box with news about a ‘content’ sprint, I checked it out. The reasons Darren Rowse, creator of Problogger, gave for setting up the content sprint resonated with me. I have been following Problogger since I started this blog…

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Why I love using Local Writers and Bloggers to Emphasise Learning Points

Why I love using Local Writers and Bloggers to Emphasise Learning Points

Like many other areas, Bristol is blessed with lots of talented and competent writers to choose from. So, this week to inspire participants on the Develop Your Writing Skills course, we looked at blogging techniques through the work of local bloggers, writers and authors in Bristol. The learning The learning outcome for this session was to identify different types of blog posts and articles as part of the overall outcome of writing one. Explaining to participants how to write different…

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